Submit Guest Post
Write For ekunji
ekunji is an info blog. Name of the blog ekunji is derived from the English word “electronic”, and the suffix – kunji (a Hindi word) meaning “key”. As the site offers information articles and DIY articles with videos on a wide range of subjects, eKunji is an electronic “Key of Knowledge”.
ekunji is a blog for reading quality content related to:
- Amazing facts, things, places etc.
- Veg Recipes
- Computer and Mobile Technology (including various applications)
- Career Guidance
- Guidance for Entrepreneurs
- Natural Home Remedies
- Beauty Tips
- Arts and Crafts
- Hindu Puja Vidhi (Method of Worship of Hindu Gods and Indian Festivals)
- Indian Politics
I (Sameer Goyal) take care all of the content at ekunji. I also let guest bloggers to write a guest post on this blog. The purpose is to help other bloggers to reach out to a new audience, and to share quality content from industry experts with the readers of ekunji.
I request you to go through following guide lines before you submit your guest post. It will ensure fast approval of your guest posts at ekunji.
How you can become a ekunji contributor?
- Visit homepage and check out some articles in relevant category to understand what kind of articles I publish here.
- Write quality content which will add value for the readers. Remember, ekunji is an info blog that helps readers to gain knowledge on various topics, so that “how to” article which teaches anything, or an unbiased opinion based on research, facts and experience is the best article to get published on ekunji.
- You have to be a blogger and must have a blog on relevant topic.
- I don’t accept article from SEO link-builders.
- I am accepting articles for the categories listed below. Do remember to do a search at ekunji to avoid submitting already published ideas:
- Amazing facts, things, places etc.
- Veg Recipes (Strictly pure veg)
- Computer and Mobile Technology (including various applications)
- Career Guidance
- Guidance for Entrepreneurs
- Natural Home Remedies
- Beauty Tips
- Arts and Crafts
- Indian Politics
Things to remember before submitting your guest post
1. Credit : ekunji respect individual work. If your idea is derivative of some one else work, feel free to give credit. Same goes to images which you use on your post. Write an original and fresh content for the readers of ekunji to ensure your article get published.
2. Content Quality: Your article should be a minimum of 750 words with details of the subject along with some value addition for online readers.
3. Images : Add relevant images to support your text content and to convey your message. Don’t add images just for the sake of it. It is best to take your own screenshots and photographs for tutorials, how-to, and DIY articles. For conversational topics, use Flickr (or other photo sharing website) to find relevant images which will “Creative Commons licensed” and allowed to “Use Commercially”.
4. Self promotion : We already provide author-bio in right side bar with author’s website link and social media links. Additionally, we allow 1 link in article for self promotion for FREE.
5. Copyright : We expect from you to respect everyone’s work. In case we found that you have copied content (including but not limited to text, image and other media) from somewhere, we will ban you to contribute at ekunji and will remove your all blog posts, and profile from ekunji. Also by submitting post to ekunji, you give us the copyright ownership of the post (including text, photo, audio, video etc). This helps us to deal with any kind of DMCA related issues.
6. Comment : Comments are the conversation between readers and author. Therefore, you should answer any query related to your article via comments.
7. Acknowledgement : By submitting your post to ekunji, you acknowledge that you agree to ekunji’s guidelines, terms and conditions. Please be sure not to violate others’ copyright or privacy rights.
Submit Guest Post
If you have read and understood all the above mentioned guidelines, terms and conditions, you can directly submit your article (guest post) by registering at ekunji.
In case if you have any query regarding guest posting at ekunji, do let us know via contact form.