6 Heartburn Home Remedies That Your Doctor Doesn’t Tell You!

6 Heartburn Home Remedies

Suffering from Heartburn? You tried all medicines but in vain? These 6 Heartburn home remedies can cure your heartburn permanently.

Heartburn or Acid reflux is a disease in which acid level in blood rise above 20%. This acid reaches to throat via saliva and produces burning sensation in throat and chest, pain in chest and acidic vomiting.

There is a very simple science behind heartburn relief. Alkalines (or bases) neutralize the acids. Therefore, it is best that you consume alkaline food and drinks to neutralize the raised acid levels in blood permanently. And your doctor will not disclose you this simple science.

For Heartburn, Start Today These 6 Heartburn Home Remedies

1. Potato

Potato helps to get rid of heartburn.

Eat potatoes daily and regularly. Potato is potassium rich food and hence it is Alkaline by nature. Only Boiled or Heated potatoes are best for heartburn.

2. Clove

Clove helps to reduce heartburn

Eat 1 clove after luncheon and dinner. Clove stops acid levels from rising after eating food. If you avoid eating sour/acidic food completely, then clove cures heartburn completely.

3. Lemon Juice

Lemons are good to control heartburn

Drink lemon juice in warm water. You can drink lemon juice several times a day. Don’t add salt to it. Lemon is potassium rich and potassium is alkali metal. Therefore it reduces acid levels in body.

4. Carom Seeds

Use carom seeds to control acidity and heartburn

Grind Carom Seeds to make powder. Add 1 teaspoon of carom seeds, and 1 teaspoon lemon juice in a glass of water. Drink it to get permanent relief in heartburn at home.

5. Banana

Banana is a good medicine for heartburn

Take a banana and sprinkle some sugar and cardamom on it. Then eat it.

6. Carrot

Carrots reduce acid reflux and give relief in heartburn.

Carrot juice is very good for heartburn. You should drink one glass of carrot juice daily.

Bonus Heartburn Home Remedies Tips

  1. Don’t consume acidic food and drinks. It will keep your acid levels in 20% range.
  2. Give up tobacco, cigarette, tea and narcotics because they decrease the alkali substance Bi-Carbonate in saliva.
  3. Eat rice, coriander leaves, bottle gourd, potato etc. Drink only lemon juice, orange juice, pineapple juice, bottle gourd juice, carrot juice, cucumber juice several times a day. These heartburn home remedies will help you to get rid of heartburn permanently.

Write us your comments and experiences regarding heartburn home remedies in comment area below.

Author: Sachin Goyal


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