Medicinal Plants are generally found in Jungles. Once Sonia Goyal wrote about an amazing medicinal plant at eKunji, named skunk cabbage. That is a controversial medicinal plant.
Here, I’m telling you about 7 amazing medicinal plants which can give you healthy life. Do you know that you can grow those 7 most powerful medicinal plants at your home? These plants, not only provide natural remedies for your diseases, but also defend you and your garden against attack from predators such as insects etc. They keep your environment clean.
You are reading my health posts regularly since long and understand the benefits of medicinal plants. Now, as because you are aware of their benefits, you may be interested in growing some of them in your garden or backyard. Before you select any of them, I suggest you the following 7 medicinal plants which are most powerful and most useful as well as they doesn’t need any extra care.
1. Aloe Vera plant – The King of Medicinal Plants

King of Medicinal Plants – Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera plant is known as the “King of medicinal plants” in Ayurveda and the “Plant of immortality” in Egypt. Aloe Vrea is the succulent plant. Succulent plant means it store water in it’s fleshy leaves. It is wonderful that it is also found in arid (desert) areas. Therefore it survives surprisingly in low-water and low-rain conditions. Also, it does not require any fertilizer. If you grow Aloe Vera in your garden then you don’t need to give it any extra care. Just sow it.
We all know today the following benefits of Aloe Vera :
- It’s juice is beneficial in curing constipation and other digestive disorders.
- It’s gel cures all skin diseases and enhance beauty of skin.
- It cleans all systems present inside body.
- It contain 20 minerals and many vitamins including rarely found vitamin B12.
- It is one of the most powerful immunity booster. So it’s regular use keeps you away from all diseases.
- It is a natural Antibiotic, Antiseptic, Antifungal and Antiviral by nature.
2. Tulsi plant – The Queen of Medicinal Plants

Queen of Medicinal Plants – Tulsi
Tulsi or Holy Basil is an aromatic plant that keeps you away from all diseases. It’s strong aroma keeps the surrounding environment healthy by preventing bacterial growth. Tulsi is knwon as “Elixir of life” in Ayurveda. Generally it need only water to grow.
It has many diverse healing properties due to which it is widely used in treatment of countless diseases. Some healing properties of tulsi plant are :
- Tulsi works as an Adaptogen. It stabilize many processes in body. It gives power to fight with stress.
- It’s regular use promotes longevity (long life).
- Juice of Holy Basil leaves is nectar for cough.
- Chewing it’s leaves corrects digestion and controls the temperature of stomach.
- Its daily use prevents from attack of cold and fever.
- It is good for teeth and eye disorders.
- Tulsi is anti-cancer.
- It is very good for hair loss, diabetes, heart diseases and kidney diseases etc.
3. Mint Plant – One of The Ultimate Medicinal Plants

Ultimate Medicinal Plants – Mint
Mint is a medicinal plant that “exhilarate the minds”. It’s fragrance makes you happy. Although mint plant need good amount of water, yet it can stay alive in many conditions (even full sunny conditions). Sow it’s seeds and keep giving enough water to them.
Mint repells pest insects and hence keep surrounding environment clean and healthy. The interesting fact is that it’s leaves are used green as well as in dry form. It has following medicinal properties :
- It is best friend of digestion. So, it keeps your digestion fit.
- It is Vitamin A rich and very good immunity booster.
- It expel out the cough from body.
- It makes mind very happy.
- It is very much useful in Indigestion, cough and cold, diarrhea, and low blood pressure.
- Fragrance of Mint’s oil keeps away mosqutoes from house.
- It is also good for respiratory diseases.
So, Mint take care of almost all of common diseases.
4. Fenugreek Plant – The Wonder Among Medicinal Plants

Wonder Among Medicinal Plants – Fenugreek
Fenugreek or Methi is the wonderful medicinal plant because of properties. You can cultivate it in any season in your garden. It’s leavses and seeds, both are powerful Vata-Nashak according to Ayurveda.
It has following properties that keep you healthy by regular use :
- It destroy Vata in body and increase Pitta. Hence it increase hunger.
- It cures fever, cough, hemorrhoids (piles), vomitting, intestinal parasites etc.
- It corrects stool elimination system of body.
- It is very good for heart and gives strength.
- Cooked vegetable of green leaves of Fenugreek is very good for women after giving childbirth.
- It purifies blood and corrects low blood pressure.
- It is very useful for backaches, joint pains, body pains and diabetes.
5. Fennel Plant – Number #1 In The Flavorful Medicinal Plants

Number #1 In The Flavorful Medicinal Plants – Fennel
Fennel plant is categorized under flavorful and highly aromatic medicinal plants. It is very well known for it’s many medicinal values. Therefore, in India, there is a custom to eat Fennel seeds after meals. You can easily grow it in your garden without special care.
- It improves memory power and cures cough.
- It improves eyesight and controls cholesterol levels.
- Fennel seeds are very good for digestion improvement and stomach pain.
- It also cures acidity and breath odor.
- Eating Fennel seeds daily makes the skin glow.
- It also improves milk supply of breastfeeding mothers.
6. Coriander Plant – Number #1 In Traditional Medicinal Plants

Number #1 Traditional Medicinal Plants – Coriandeer
Coriander or Dhania is very much common kitchen ingredient of Indian Food. It is used in many forms, i.e green leaves, seeds, powder of seeds etc. You will surprise to know that you can very easily grow it in your garden and get benefits of it’s medicinal values.
Coriander has many medicinal properties and is known for very good digestion. Here is a list that shows how Coriander keeps you healthy :
- Coriander leaves and seeds are antioxidants. It prevents food from spoilage.
- It is diuretic (promotes production of Urine). Therefore it is very useful to cure urine retention and urine infection.
- Coriander leaves and seeds both improves digestion.
- It is Vitamin C rich food.
- It has anti-diabetic and antibacterial properties. So, it keeps you away from diabetes and bacterial infections.
- It is good for Anemia and menstrual irregularities.
- Coriander is also very effective for skin diseases such as pimples.
So, you can grow it in your garden and can use Coriander leaves and seeds in specific ways to keep yourself healthy.
7. Ginger Plant – The Queen of Spicy Medicinal Plants

Queen of Spicy Medicinal Plants – ginger
If you sow ginger root in soil of your garden, it’s plant will grow within few days. No additional care is required. You will gradually find the very good growth of ginger under soil. You can dig and get them after some time.
Ginger has many medicinal properties due to which it is one of the most used ingredient of Indian Cuisine. Some of them are as follows :
- Ginger is the friend of digestive system. It is used to treat stomach upset, loss of appetite, gastric troubles and other digestive disorders.
- It also ease migraine headaches, controls high blood pressure and gives relief in muscular pains.
- It is widely used for cough and cold, bronchitis and asthma.
- Ginger is especially good for Females because it helps to ease menstrual pains and cramps.
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Hi Sachin,
What a nice piece of information.You are providing great article after article on health.I am really impressed.Most importantly you provide the information which can be used or done practically.
All the best
Thank you Nitesh ji,
Yes I am writing with the aim that a common man can do it at their home easily. And if you found it useful and practical, then it is really encouraging for me. Thanks again for your valuable comment.
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