Sprouts Benefits For Health With Video by Sonia Goyal

Sprouts Benefits For Health

Sprouts benefits for health (अंकुरित अनाज के लाभ) are immense as they include the ability to purify blood of our body, keeps digestion system fit, good for bone health, cures obesity and many more. Sprouts have always been a popular nutritional food globally for diet conscious people.

Sprouting is a process of germinating seeds which can be consumed either cooked or raw. There are various types of sprouts such as moong beans, alfalfa beans, clover, soya beans, chickpea, etc and all these are mainly used in fresh salads, soups and sandwiches.

Sprouts contains a good amount of protein, dietary fiber, vitamin K, folate, pantothenic acid, niacin, thiamin, vitamin C, vitamin A, and riboflavin.

In terms of minerals, sprouts contains manganese, copper, zinc, magnesium, iron, and calcium because of which they are considered as a therapeutic food for humans.

Let’s explore some of the fascinating sprouts benefits for health that hold for us!

Sprouts Benefits For Health : Video

Sprouts Benefits For Health 1 – To Purify Blood

1. Sprouted beans remove toxins from body and purify the blood.
2. Therefore many common general diseases do not attack on human body.
3. In addition to this, many skin problems including boils, acne and pimples do not occur.
4. It is therefore recommended for children to eat 1/2 bowl of sprouted beans daily and a fist of sprouted beans for adults.

Sprouts Benefits For Health 2 – To Keep Digestion System Fit

1. Sprouted beans are good source of anti-oxidants, vitamin A, B, C, E, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc.
2. These are also rich source of fiber.
3. It is therefore suggested to eat 2 fists of sprouted beans daily in breakfast or in lunch to keep your digestive system fit.
4. Fiber will help you to get rid of constipation and multi-vitamins will keep your overall health good.

Sprouts Benefits For Health 3 – Good for Bones

1. Sprouted beans are rich source of calcium.
2. These are considered good food for all age groups.
3. If you include 1/2 a bowl of sprouted beans in your daily meals, it can make your bones strong.

Sprouts Benefits For Health 4 – To Cure Obesity

1. Sprouted beans increase energy level in body by eliminating acid produced in body due to fatigue, pollution and junk food.
2. It is suggested to eat its 1/2 bowl to full bowl daily for having good energy in body whole the day.
3. Sprouted beans also burn extra calories in your body and hence help to cure obesity.

Some Other Health Benefits Of Sprouts Are :

1. Boosts Immune System
2. Metabolic Booster
3. Cures Anemia
4. Treats Diabetes
5. Good for Arthritis
6. Prevents heart disease and stroke

How can you enjoy sprouts :

Toss them onto your salad, use them in a sandwich or add them to soups and parathas. You can quickly increase the amount of protein, vitamin B and vitamin C in your body.

Add sprouts to your daily diet and avail the numerous sprouts benefits for your good health!

Caution :

  1. Do not eat sprouted beans at night because these are stodgy and can cause stomach gas.
  2. If the sprouts are not cleaned properly, then the bacteria present in the sprout will keep multiplying and finally will keep us sick after consuming them.
  3. If sprouting is not done in a proper and healthy way, then there are chances for this healthy food to create problems for the human body.

Read Other Healthy Posts :

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