What Does Vitamin A Do? Why Vitamin A Is Essential For Your Body?

Vitamin A or retinol is a fat-soluble vitamin which is found in many kinds of food.

Importance of Vitamin A for health

Vitamin A affects vision, reproduction, immunity, skeletal growth etc. We get vitamin A from animal products and vegetable products.

Retinol in Animal Products

Milk, curd, butter, cheese, egg, liver, liver oils etc. has very good amount of Vitamin A and is known as Retinol. It makes eyes capable to absorb light and provide effective vision in even low-light.

Carotene in Vegetable Products

Plants perform photosynthesis by carotene, a special form of Vitamin A. Green, orange and yellow colored fruits and vegetables has good amounts of carotene, i.e.  green leafy vegetables, broccoli, carrots, apricots, mangoes, almonds etc. It improves immunity, vision, teeth and skin health etc.

If you are taking the above food adequately then you are surely taking enough Vitamin A. Generally safe intake of 700 to 900 mcg (micrograms) of vitamin A per day is suggested for an adult above 14 years age. If you specifically want to know exact amount to be taken, then you can scroll down to see a table provided by U.S. Government.

What Happens In Vitamin A Deficiency?

The main symptom which shows deficiency of Vitamin A, is decreased ability (or inability) to see in low light conditions. It is also known as night blindness. Also cateract, sensitivity of eyes to light, burning of eyes, kidney stones, skin disease, looseness of teeth and gums in young age etc. occurs by deficiency of Vitamin A.

Infants and children are most likely to die due to lack of Vitamin A in body. Danger of infection increases and one can suffer from many infectious diseases.

Low Vitamin A levels are also dangerous for pregnant ladies. It produces blindness in them and according to some studies, pregnant women can die during childbirth or even during pregnancy.

Is High Intake Of Vitamin A Harmful?

It is dangerous to take Vitamin A in high amount. It can lead to weakness, dizziness, bone weakness, coma, anemia, headache and death. Birth defect in child may occur due to high levels of Vitamin A in pregnant woman. However high intake of beta carotene and provitamin A is safe than other forms of Vitamin A. According to U.S. Government Upper safe limit of Vitamin A recommendations with respect to age (if they are not under medical care) are as follows :

Upper safe limit of Vitamin A recommendation

Age Upper Safe Limit of Vitamin A (Values in IU – International
Infants upto 12 months 2000
Small Children 1-3 years 2000
Children of age 4-8 years 3000
Young children 9-13 years 5667
Teenagers 14-18 years 9333
All Adults 19 years and above 10000


What Are The Good Sources of Vitamin A?

There are many good Vitamin A sources in world. Here is a short list of some very good sources of Vitamin A with it’s value per serving :

Beef Liver, fried in pan, 3 ounce (85.05 gm) – 6,582 mcg (22,175 IU)
Sweet Potato, baked with skin, 1 whole – 1,403 mcg (28,058 IU)
Cheese, 1 cup – 263 mcg (945 IU)
Ice cream, 1 cup of French Vanilla – 278 mcg (1,014 IU)
Milk, 1 cup, skimmed or fat free, – 149 mcg (500 IU)
Egg, Boiled, 1 whole – 75 mcg (260 IU)
Chicken, roasted, 1/2 breast – 5 mcg (18 IU)
Spinach, 1/2 cup boiled – 573 mcg (11,458 IU)
Carrots 1/2 cup raw – 459 mcg (9,189 IU)

Is There Any Specific Way To Take Vitamin A Rich Food?

You can eat all kind of green leafy vegetables in raw form. You can also make juice and chutney. Eat fruits in raw form only. Don’t make shakes etc. Generally eating them for long (approx. 3-4 months) can give best results. One thing to remember is that the provitamin A, which is safe to consume, comes from vegetables (green leafy as well as others) and fruits. Therefore eating them is always very very safe in comparison to taking Vitamin A supplements (pills, capsules etc.).

Eat Vitamin A rich food to enjoy healthy life with good eye sight, good reproductive system, and strong immunity.

Write your feedback, queries and suggestions related to health benefits of Vitamin A in comment area below.

Author: Sachin Goyal


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