Sesame Seeds and Mint Chutney Recipe With Video by Sameer Goyal

Sesame Seeds and Mint Chutney Recipe

Sesame seeds and mint chutney recipe (तिल पोदीना चटनी रेसिपी) is a delicious and nutritious chutney recipe from Indian cuisine. It is made by sesame seeds, fresh mint leaves and coriander leaves. It is a vegan recipe.

As the sesame seeds and mint chutney recipe is prepared in only 1 step, so it is a very easy and quick recipe. Sesame seeds is a rich source of calcium and other minerals, so this chutney is very good for health.

You can serve this mint chutney at room temperature with roti, parantha, pakoda, samosa and any snacks and savories of your choice.

Sesame Seeds and Mint Chutney Recipe With Video by Sameer Goyal
Print Recipe
Servings Prep Time
250 gm 0 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
3 minutes 3 minutes
Servings: gm
Sesame Seeds and Mint Chutney Recipe : Video
Sesame Seeds and Mint Chutney Recipe : Step by Step Instructions
  1. Grind all the ingredients to make smooth paste.
  2. Delicious, nutritious and instant sesame seeds and mint chutney is ready.
  3. You can serve it at room temperature with roti, paratha, samosa, pakora or any other snacks of your choice.
Recipe Notes
  1. If you keep this mint chutney in refrigerator, then you may use it till 7 days.

Try nutritious and delicious sesame seeds and mint chutney recipe with savories of your choice and write me your feedback in comment area below.

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